Applications of a new tight-binding total energy method for transition and noble metals: Elastic constants, vacancies, and surfaces of monatomic metals [Phys. Rev. B 54, 4519-30 (1996)], by Michael J. Mehl and Dimitrios A. Papaconstantopoulos and other papers demonstrate a method for obtaining tight-binding parameters which accurately reproduce the equations of state, elastic constants, vacancy formation energies, phonon frequencies, and surface energies for the elements highlighted in this periodic table. Check our parametrization notes and references for information on how to use these parameters.
Doing calculations of crystalline total energies with our tight-binding parameters? Pre-defined K-point meshes for several common lattices are now available.
Publications using our Tight-Binding programs
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Click on the button above to find the available binary compound parameter sets |
Ia | IIa | IIIb | IVb | Vb | VIb | VIIb | VIII | Ib | IIb | IIIa | IVa | Va | VIa | VIIa | VIIIa | |||
K | 1H | 2He | ||||||||||||||||
L | 3Li | 4Be | 5B | 6C | 7N | 8O | 9F | 10Ne | ||||||||||
M | 11Na | 12Mg | 13Al | 14Si | 15P | 16S | 17Cl | 18Ar | ||||||||||
N | 19K | 20Ca | 21Sc | 22Ti | 23V | 24Cr | 25Mn | 26Fe | 27Co | 28Ni | 29Cu | 30Zn | 31Ga | 32Ge | 33As | 34Se | 35Br | 36Kr |
O | 37Rb | 38Sr | 39Y | 40Zr | 41Nb | 42Mo | 43Tc | 44Ru | 45Rh | 46Pd | 47Ag | 48Cd | 49In | 50Sn | 51Sb | 52Te | 53I | 54Xe |
P | 55Cs | 56Ba | 57La | 72Hf | 73Ta | 74W | 75Re | 76Os | 77Ir | 78Pt | 79Au | 80Hg | 81Tl | 82Pb | 83Bi | 84Po | 85At | 86Rn |
Q | 87Fr | 88Ra | 89Ac | 104Rf | 105Db | 106Sg | ||||||||||||
Lanthanides | 58Ce | 59Pr | 60Nd | 61Pm | 62Sm | 63Eu | 64Gd | 65Tb | 66Dy | 67Ho | 68Er | 69Tm | 70Yb | 71Lu | ||||
Actinides | 90Th | 91Pa | 92U | 93Np | 94Pu | 95Am | 96Cm | 97Bk | 98Cf | 99Es | 100Fm | 101Md | 102No | 103Lr |
These parameters were developed as part of the DoD-Parallel Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics program of the Common HPC Software Support Initiative (CHSSI). |