Tight-Binding parameters for Hafnium

Hafnium (Hf)
Atomic Number 72
Atomic Weight 178.49
Room Temperature Structure hcp (A3)
Experimental Lattice Constant a 6.03 Bohr
Calculated Lattice Constant a 5.80 Bohr
Experimental Lattice Constant c 9.55 Bohr
Calculated Lattice Constant c 9.60 Bohr
Experimental Bulk Modulus 109 GPa
Calculated Bulk Modulus 111 GPa

The tight-binding parameters were fit to first-principles Augmented Plane Wave (APW) results over the following ranges:

Structure Minimum Range Lattice Constant (Bohr) Maximum Range Lattice Constant (Bohr)
fcc (A1)  7.90   8.70 
bcc (A2)  6.10   6.90 
Reference Phys. Rev. B 54, 4519-30 (1996)

Use of the parameters outside of these ranges may result in unphysical behavior.

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