Tight-Binding parameters for Copper-Silver compounds

Copper (Cu)
Atomic Number 29
Atomic Weight 63.54
Room Temperature Structure fcc (A1)
Experimental Lattice Constant 0.361 nm
Silver (Ag)
Atomic Number 47
Atomic Weight 107.870
Room Temperature Structure fcc (A1)
Experimental Lattice Constant 0.409 nm

We have developed a set of parameters for Cu-Ag compounds. The pure element parts of these parameters use our ``better'' sets of copper (cu_par_99) and gold (ag_par) parameters. In addition, we fit total energies and electronic structures of the following compounds:

Compound Structure Lattice Constant Ranges (Bohr)
  Minimum Maximum
Cu3Ag L12 (Cu3Au) a 6.40 7.50
CuAg L10 (AuCu) a 5.80 7.80
c/a = 0.9
B2 (CsCl) a 5.40 6.80
CuAg3 L12 (Cu3Au) a 7.00 7.80

Use of the parameters outside of these ranges may result in unphysical behavior.

Get the latest parameters (cuag_par).

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