subroutine setlat(alat,vol,ierr) c c Given the lattice type and a set of lattice parameters, this c routine computes the primitive vectors (alat) and c volume (vol) of the desired primitive cell. The lattice c parameters may include: c c (1) A choice of lattice types (see below) specified by one c of several means, c or c c (2) The complete specification of the lattice, with scaling c parameters c c which may be modified by c c (3) The traditional elastic strain parameters (e_i, i=[1,6]), c which may be specified directly or in terms a convenient c volume conserving strain parameter. c c======================================================================= c c REVISION HISTORY c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Switched from left-handed to right-handed coordinate systems c for hexagonal lattices. -- mjm 26 March 1998 c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Pulled from findmin, rewritten to provide lattice and volume c based on data from the static SKIN file. In addition, a c menu of choices for the e_i has been added. c c Note that to keep things in the same order as static, we have c reversed the meaning of the alat indices from the way they c appeared in findmin. Now, alat(i,j) is the jth Cartesian c component of the ith primitive lattice vector. c -- mjm 21 April 1998 c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Inadvertantly defined the fraction two3rd as "1/3". Fixed c this. -- mjm 27 May 1998 c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Added support for the "magic strain" lattices for centered cubic c systems. These are in options 15 and 16. -- mjm 26 June 2003 c c======================================================================= c implicit none c c======================================================================= c c Arguments c c ierr = 0 if the lattice was successfully constructed, otherwise c ierr has a value corresponding to an error number given c at the bottom of this subroutine, and the primitive vectors c return with strange values c integer ierr c real*8 vol,alat(3,3) c c======================================================================= c c c Elastic strain parameters. If strain is non-zero, then after c we construct the lattice we strain it by the parameters e(i). c Note that this may interfer with c/a and b/a options. However, c this ability is so useful that I want to put it in, and the c user will have to beware of the problems. c We have modified the calculation to provide a "menu" of c predefined strain patterns which depend on only one variable, c either a strain x or on x2 = x*x. These applied strains c may be used, for example, in elastic constant calculations. c integer strain real*8 x,x2 c c And here are the real e(i): c real*8 e(6) c c======================================================================= c c Reals c c a, b, c, boa, coa, and theta are used for lattice setup c real*8 a,b,c,boa,coa,theta c c afcc, abcc, and rmagic are used with vol and theta in c the setup of the "magic strain" lattices c w, x, y, and z are auxillary quantities needed there. x is c already declared. c real*8 afcc,abcc,rmagic,w,y,z c c scale(i) is the scaling parameter for the ith direction, used c only when we specify latnum = 0. If scale(i) = 0 we will c reset it to the default of 1. c real*8 scale(3) c c est is the strain matrix. alats temporarily holds the c strained lattice, and sum holds temporary variables c real*8 est(3,3),alats(3,3),sum c c======================================================================= c c Integers c c latnum is the lattice input index c integer latnum c c Do loop variables and counters c integer i,j,k c c======================================================================= c c Numerical factors: c real*8 zero,one,two,three,four c parameter (zero = 0d0) parameter (one = 1d0) parameter (two = 2d0) parameter (three = 3d0) parameter (four = 4d0) c real*8 third,thirdm,half,halfm,quarter,two3rd c parameter (third = one/three) parameter (thirdm = -third) parameter (half = 5d-1) parameter (halfm = -half) parameter (quarter = one/four) parameter (two3rd = two/three) c c sqrt(3)/2 and its inverse c real*8 fac1,fac1m,fac2 parameter (fac1 = 0.866025403784438647d0) parameter (fac1m = -fac1) parameter (fac2 = one/fac1) c c Circular parameters c real*8 pi,tpi3 parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979323846d0) parameter (tpi3 = two*pi/three) c c======================================================================= c c c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c c There are several ways to input the lattice, based on the flag c latnum c c latnum Method c c 0 Read vectors in Cartesian Coordinates c 1 standard fcc lattice, input a c -1 standard fcc lattice, input vol c 2 standard bcc lattice, input a c -2 standard bcc lattice, input vol c 3 standard hexagonal lattice, input a,c c -3 standard hexagonal lattice, input vol,c/a c 4 standard sc lattice, input a c -4 standard sc lattice, input vol c 5 simple tetragonal lattice, input a,c c -5 simple tetragonal lattice, input vol,c/a c 6 body-centered tetragonal lattice, a,c c -6 body-centered tetragonal lattice, vol,c/a c 7 orthorhombic lattice, a,b,c c -7 orthorhombic lattice, vol,b/a,c/a c 8 base-centered orthorhombic lattice,a,b,c c -8 base-centered orthorhombic lattice, vol,b/a,c/a c 9 simple tetragonal lattice, rotated 45 degrees c -9 simple tetragonal lattice, rotated, V,c/a c 10 face-centered tetragonal, c -10 face-centered tetragonal, V,c/a c 11 face-centered tetragonal 'fcc-like', input a,c c -11 face-centered tetragonal 'fcc-like, input V,c/a c 12 rhombohedral lattice, read a,b (see below) c -12 rhombohedral lattice, read V, angle in radians c 13 body-centered tetragonal, 'bcc-like', a,c c -13 body-centered tetragonal, 'bcc-like', vol,c/a c 14 base-centered orthorhombic lattice a_plane,c,theta c -14 base-centered orthorhombic lattice V,c/a_plane,theta c 15 "magic strains" around fcc lattice, a_bcc,r,theta c -15 "magic strains" around fcc lattice, V,r,theta c 16 "magic strains" around bcc lattice, a_fcc,r,theta c -16 "magic strains" around bcc lattice, V,r,theta c c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c c At the start we have no error c ierr = 0 c c Zero all of the primitive vectors. We'll fill in the c ones we want to change: c do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 alat(j,i) = zero end do end do c read(10,*,err=11000) latnum write( *,'(/''Lattice type '',i5)') latnum write(15,'(/''Lattice type '',i5)') latnum c c Set up the primitive vectors: c if(latnum.eq.0) then c c Arbitrary lattice. The lattice vectors are specified c directly. Note the input1.f compatible indices c write(15,'(''Arbitrary lattice'')') read(10,*,err=12000) ((alat(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3) write(15,'(''a('',i1,'') = '',3f12.5)') $ (i,(alat(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3) c c For this lattice, and this lattice only, we allow c scale parameters. Read these in now, and invoke c after we apply the elastic strains. These will default c to 1 if scale(i) = 0 c read(10,*,err=12000) scale do i = 1,3 if(scale(i) scale(i) = one end do write(15,'(''Scale factors = '',3f10.5)') scale else if(abs(latnum).eq.1) then c c fcc lattice c write(15,'(''fcc lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.1) then read(10,*,err=12000) a write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5)') a else read(10,*,err=12000) vol write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5)') vol a = (four*abs(vol))**third end if c c Note that we don't have to reverse the indicies here, c as the primitive lattice "matrix" is symmetric c do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 if( alat(j,i) = half*a end do end do else if(abs(latnum).eq.2) then c c bcc lattice c write(15,'(''bcc lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.2) then read(10,*,err=12000) a write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5)') a else read(10,*,err=12000) vol write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5)') vol a = (two*abs(vol))**third end if do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 if(j.eq.i) then alat(j,i) = -half*a else alat(j,i) = half*a end if end do end do else if(abs(latnum).eq.3) then c c hexagonal lattice c write(15,'(''hexagonal lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.3) then read(10,*,err=12000) a,c write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5,'' c = '',f12.5)') a,c coa = c/a else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,coa write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' c/a = '',f10.6)') vol,coa a = (fac2*abs(vol)/abs(coa))**third c = abs(coa)*a end if c c Formerly this was a left-hand lattice, but let's change it c to a right-hand lattice for consistency with our space c Crystal Lattice page c c Here we do have to reverse the indices from the findmin c order c alat(1,1) = half*a alat(2,1) = alat(1,1) alat(1,2) = fac1m*a alat(2,2) = -alat(1,2) alat(3,3) = c else if(abs(latnum).eq.4) then c c sc lattice c write(15,'(''simple cubic lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.4) then read(10,*,err=12000) a write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5)') a else read(10,*,err=12000) vol write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5)') vol a = (abs(vol))**third end if do i = 1,3 alat(i,i) = a end do else if(abs(latnum).eq.5) then c c Simple tetragonal lattice c write(15,'(''tetragonal lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.5) then read(10,*,err=12000) a,c write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5,'' c = '',f12.5)') a,c else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,coa write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' c/a = '',f10.6)') vol,coa a = (abs(vol)/abs(coa))**third c = coa*a end if alat(1,1) = a alat(2,2) = a alat(3,3) = c else if(abs(latnum).eq.6) then c c Body-centered tetragonal lattice c write(15,'(''body-centered tetragonal lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.6) then read(10,*,err=12000) a,c write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5,'' c = '',f12.5)') a,c else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,coa write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' c/a = '',f10.6)') vol,coa a = (two*abs(vol)/abs(coa))**third c = coa*a end if c c Here we again must reverse the indices from the findmin c order c alat(1,1) = a alat(2,2) = a alat(3,1) = half*a alat(3,2) = half*a alat(3,3) = half*c else if(abs(latnum).eq.7) then c c Orthorhombic lattice c write(15,'(''orthorhombic lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.7) then read(10,*,err=12000) a,b,c write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5,'' b = '',f12.5, $ '' c = '',f12.5)') a,b,c else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,boa,coa write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' b/a = '',f10.6, $ '' c/a = '',f10.6)') vol,boa,coa a = (abs(vol)/(abs(boa*coa)))**third b = boa*a c = coa*a end if alat(1,1) = a alat(2,2) = b alat(3,3) = c else if(abs(latnum).eq.8) then c c Base-Centered Orthorhombic lattice. Primitive vectors are c Again we reverse the indices from findmin's setlat order: c c a1 = ( a/2 , -b/2 , 0 ) c a2 = ( a/2 , b/2 , 0 ) c a3 = ( 0 , 0 , c ) c write(15,'(''base-centered orthorhombic lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.8) then read(10,*,err=12000) a,b,c write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5,'' b = '',f12.5, $ '' c = '',f12.5)') a,b,c else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,boa,coa write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' b/a = '',f10.6, $ '' c/a = '',f10.6)') vol,boa,coa a = (abs(two*vol)/(abs(boa*coa)))**third b = boa*a c = coa*a end if alat(1,1) = half*a alat(2,1) = alat(1,1) c c This coordinate system will be right-handed: c alat(2,2) = half*b alat(1,2) = -alat(2,2) alat(3,3) = c else if(abs(latnum).eq.9) then c c Simple tetragonal lattice again, except that the x-y c plane primitive vectors are along (110) and (1-10). This c is for compatibility with L1_0 using the t2g-eg split c parametrization c c E.g., the primitive vectors are c c a1 = ( a/2 , -a/2 , 0 ) c a2 = ( a/2 , a/2 , 0 ) c a3 = ( 0 , 0 , c ) c c This is analogous to the base-centered orthorhombic lattice c above, with b = a. c write(15,'(''rotated tetragonal lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.9) then read(10,*,err=12000) a,c write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5,'' c = '',f12.5)') a,c else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,coa write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' c/a = '',f10.6)') vol,coa a = abs(two*vol/coa)**third c = coa*a end if alat(1,1) = half*a alat(1,2) = -alat(1,1) alat(2,1) = alat(1,1) alat(2,2) = alat(1,1) alat(3,3) = c else if(abs(latnum).eq.10) then c c face-centered tetragonal lattice, with the x-y c plane primitive vectors are along (110) and (1-10). This c is for compatibility with L1_0 using the t2g-eg split c parametrization c write(15,'(''face-centered tetragonal lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.10) then read(10,*,err=12000) a,c write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5,'' c = '',f12.5)') a,c else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,coa write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' c/a = '',f10.6)') vol,coa a = abs(four*vol/coa)**third c = coa*a end if alat(1,1) = half*a alat(1,2) = -alat(1,1) alat(2,1) = alat(1,1) alat(2,2) = alat(1,1) alat(3,1) = alat(1,1) alat(3,3) = half*c else if(abs(latnum).eq.11) then c c Face-centered tetragonal lattice -- an alternate form, with c "fcc-like" primitive vectors. c write(15,'(''fcc-like face-centered tetragonal lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.11) then read(10,*,err=12000) a,c write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5,'' c = '',f12.5)') a,c else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,coa write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' c/a = '',f10.6)') vol,coa a = (four*abs(vol)/abs(coa))**third c = coa*a end if alat(2,1) = half*a alat(3,1) = half*a alat(1,2) = half*a alat(3,2) = half*a alat(1,3) = half*c alat(2,3) = half*c else if(abs(latnum).eq.12) then c c Rhombohedral lattice. Use the form c c a1 = (a,b,b) c a2 = (b,a,b) c a3 = (b,b,a) c c Or specify the volume V and the angle theta in radians c write(15,'(''rhombohedral lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.12) then read(10,*,err=12000) a,b write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5,'' b = '',f12.5)') a,b else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,theta write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' theta = '',f10.6)') vol,theta c c Use coa to store the cosine of the angle c coa = cos(theta) c c If coa < -.5, we've got a bad angle c if( stop 'Angle to large for lattice 12' c c boa holds the auxillary lattice parameter c boa = third*(sqrt((one+two*coa)/(one-coa))-one) c c We'll let c do some work, too: c c = (abs(vol)/(one+three*boa))**third c c Finally c a = c*(one+boa) b = c*boa end if do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 if(j.eq.i) then alat(j,i) = a else alat(j,i) = b end if end do end do else if(abs(latnum).eq.13) then c c This is Yet Another Version of the Body-Centered Tetragonal c lattice (YAVBCT). In this version the primitive vectors c are in a form reminiscent of the standard bcc primitive c vectors: c c a1 = (-a/2, a/2, c/2) c a2 = ( a/2,-a/2, c/2) c a3 = ( a/2, a/2,-c/2) c write(15,'(''bcc-like bct lattice'')') if(latnum.eq.13) then read(10,*,err=12000) a,c write(15,'('' a = '',f12.5,'' c = '',f12.5)') a,c else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,coa write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' c/a = '',f10.6)') vol,coa a = (two*abs(vol)/abs(coa))**third c = coa*a end if alat(1,1) = -half*a alat(1,2) = half*a alat(1,3) = half*c alat(2,1) = half*a alat(2,2) = -half*a alat(2,3) = half*c alat(3,1) = half*a alat(3,2) = half*a alat(3,3) = -half*c else if (abs(latnum).eq.14) then c c Base-centered orthorhombic lattice. "a" is the length c of one of the two primitive vectors in the x-y plane, c and "theta" is the angle between them (in radians). c c is the length of the primitive vector along the (001) c direction. c c Note that V = a^2 c sin(theta) c if(latnum.eq.14) then read(10,*,err=12000) a,c,theta write(15,'(''a = '',f12.5,'' c = '',f12.5, $ '' theta = '',f12.5)') a,c,theta vol = a*a*c*sin(theta) else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,coa,theta write(15,'(''V = '',f12.5,'' c/a = '',f12.5, $ '' theta = '',f12.5)') vol,coa,theta a = (vol/(coa*sin(theta)))**third c = a*coa end if c c For the rest of the calculation we'll need theta/2 rather c than theta: c theta = half*theta c alat(1,1) = a*cos(theta) alat(1,2) = -a*sin(theta) alat(2,1) = alat(1,1) alat(2,2) = -alat(1,2) alat(3,3) = c else if (abs(latnum).eq.15) then c c This is the "magic strain" lattice _based_ on the fcc lattice. c That is, the central point around which everything is based, c (rmagic = 0, theta = whatever) is an fcc lattice. However, c this is most useful in describing magic strains for materials c with bcc ground states. c c The input is either the volume or the equivalent bcc lattice c constant (V = abcc^3/2), rmagic and theta. The primitive c vectors are: c c (a1) ( 0 y z ) c (a2) = (V/2)^(1/3) ( x 0 z ) c (a3) ( x y 0 ) c c where c c x = exp( - rmagic cos(theta + 2 pi/3) c y = exp( - rmagic cos(theta - 2 pi/3) c z = exp( - rmagic cos(theta)) c c So the lattice has a period of 2 pi/3. c c Note that we get a bcc lattice when theta = 0 (or +/- 2 pi/3) c and rmagic = 1/3 ln 2 = 0.2310490601866 .. c c Enter theta in radians c if(latnum.eq.15) then read(10,*,err=12000) abcc,rmagic,theta vol = half*(abcc**3) else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,rmagic,theta abcc = (two*vol)**third end if write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' abcc = '',f12.5, $ '' rmagic = '',f12.7,'' theta = '',f12.7)') $ vol, abcc, rmagic, theta c c w is the prefactor in front of every lattice vector: c w = (half*vol)**third c c Define x, y, and z including the w: c x = w*exp(-rmagic*cos(theta + tpi3)) y = w*exp(-rmagic*cos(theta - tpi3)) z = w*exp(-rmagic*cos(theta)) c c Define the non-zero components of the primitive lattice c vectors: c alat(1,2) = y alat(1,3) = z alat(2,1) = x alat(2,3) = z alat(3,1) = x alat(3,2) = y else if (abs(latnum).eq.16) then c c This is the "magic strain" lattice _based_ on the bcc lattice. c That is, the central point around which everything is based, c (rmagic = 0, theta = whatever) is a bcc lattice. However, c this is most useful in describing magic strains for materials c with fcc ground states. c c The input is either the volume or the equivalent bcc lattice c constant (V = afcc^3/2), rmagic and theta. The primitive c vectors are: c c (a1) ( -x y z ) c (a2) = (V/4)^(1/3) ( x -y z ) c (a3) ( x y -z ) c c where c c x = exp( rmagic cos(theta + 2 pi/3) c y = exp( rmagic cos(theta - 2 pi/3) c z = exp( rmagic cos(theta)) c c So the lattice has a period of 2 pi/3. c c Note that we get an fcc lattice when theta = 0 (or +/- 2 pi/3) c and rmagic = 1/3 ln 2 = 0.2310490601866 ... c c In addition, we get a bct10 (10-fold coordinated body-centered c tetragonal lattice) when rmagic = 1/3 ln 3/2 = 0.135155036036 ... c and theta = pi/3. c c Enter theta in radians c if(latnum.eq.16) then read(10,*,err=12000) afcc,rmagic,theta vol = quarter*(afcc**3) else read(10,*,err=12000) vol,rmagic,theta afcc = (four*vol)**third end if write(15,'('' V = '',f12.5,'' afcc = '',f12.5, $ '' rmagic = '',f12.7,'' theta = '',f12.7)') $ vol, afcc, rmagic, theta c c w is the prefactor in front of every lattice vector: c w = (quarter*vol)**third c c Define x, y, and z including the w: c x = w*exp(rmagic*cos(theta + tpi3)) y = w*exp(rmagic*cos(theta - tpi3)) z = w*exp(rmagic*cos(theta)) c c Define the components of the primitive lattice vectors: c alat(1,1) = -x alat(1,2) = y alat(1,3) = z alat(2,1) = x alat(2,2) = -y alat(2,3) = z alat(3,1) = x alat(3,2) = y alat(3,3) = -z else write(0,*) 'Unknown lattice type' go to 10000 end if c c======================================================================= c c c Strain the lattice if desired c c We do this by entering a "strain option". Note that some options c have negative as well as positive values. Options with the same c absolute value have the same symmetry and small-strain behavior c of the energy, but differ at large strains. c c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c c 0 -- No strain c c 1 -- Read the six e(i) independently c c 2 -- Read in parameter x2 = x^2. Construct volume conserving c strain: c e(1) = sqrt((1+x)/(1-x)) - 1 and c e(2) = sqrt((1-x)/(1+x)) - 1 c Then c E(x) = E(0) + 1/2 V (C11 + C22 - 2 C12) x^2 + O(x^4) c -2 -- "Traditional" strain, using e(3) to control the volume. Then c e(1) = x c e(2) = -x c e(3) = x^2/(1-x^2) c Same Elastic constant representation. c 21 -- Similar to above, but for use when the x and y axis behave c differently so that E(x) <> E(-x): c e(1) = sqrt((1+x)/(1-x)) - 1 and c e(2) = sqrt((1-x)/(1+x)) - 1 c Then c E(x) = E(0) + 1/2 V (C11 + C22 - 2 C12) x^2 + O(x^3) c -21 -- The analog of -2: c e(1) = x c e(2) = -x c e(3) = x^2/(1-x^2) c Same Elastic constant representation. c c 3 -- Read in x2 = e(6)^2. Use e(6), e(1), and e(2) to construct c a volume conserving strain. The energy then goes as c E(x) = E(0) + 1/2 V C66 x^2 + O(x^4). c -3 -- "Traditional" strain, using e(3) to control the volume c rather than e(1) and e(2). Same Elastic constant c representation. c c 4 -- Let 1+x be the ratio of change of the length of the c z-coordinate to the change in the x-y plane coordinates. c If this sounds confusing, think of an [001] strain on c a cubic lattice. Then the strained ratio c/a = 1+x c In this case the energy goes as c E(x) = E(0) + 1/18 V (C11 + C22 + 4 C33 c + 2 C12 - 4 C13 - 4 C23) x^2 + O(x^3) c c 5 -- Considering the standard picture of the e(i) representing c strains of the original Cartesian unit vectors, let x c represent the strain of these vectors along the [111] c direction. The cosine between these vectors is c (2x + 3 x^2)/(1 + 2x + 3 x^2). If we start with a c simple cubic lattice, then x = 1/3 is an fcc lattice c and x = -1/6 is a bcc lattice. Note that at x = -1/3 c the three strained unit vectors become coplanar, and c the problem blows up. c In the general case the energy goes as c E(x) = E(0) + 2 V (C44 + C55 + C66) x^2 + O(x^3) c c 6 -- One possible strain to determine C_{44} in a hexagonal c lattice is the volume conserving strain c e1 = e2 = e5 = e6 = 0 c e6 = x ; e3 = 1 - x^2/4 c This turns the hexagonal lattice into a (true) monoclinic c lattice. Both the simple hexagonal and hcp lattice c are now reduced to C2/m (#12) symmetry. In the hcp c lattice the atoms are allowed to relax by an arbitrary c vector of the form (0,y,z). It is fairly easy to show c that the +x and -x lattices are equivalent, so the energy goes as c E(x) = E(0) + 1/2 V C44 x^2 + O(x^4) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Note the following relationships between elastic constants c c In a cubic system, c c C11 = C22 = C33 c C12 = C13 = C23 c C44 = C55 = C66 c c so there are three independent lattice constants c c In a tetragonal system c c C11 = C22 c C13 = C23 c C44 = C55 c c so there are six independent lattice constants c c In a hexagonal system c c C11 = C22 c C13 = C23 c C44 = C55 c C66 = 1/2 (C11-C12) c c so there are five independent lattice constants c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c For more details on the relationship between strains and elastic c constants, see "First-Principles Calculation of Elastic c Properties," by M.J. Mehl, B.M. Klein, and D.A. Papaconstantopoulos, c in "Intermetallic Compounds: Vol. 1, Principles," edited by c J.H. Westbrook and R.L. Fleischer, (John Wiley & Sons, London,1994), c Chapter 9, pp. 195-210. In particular, see equation (24) and c Table 1. c c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c read(10,*,err=13000) strain write( *,'(/''Elastic strain field '',i5)') strain write(15,'(/''Elastic strain field '',i5)') strain c if( then c c First zero the strain components: c do i = 1,6 e(i) = zero end do c c Now read in strains as necessary: c if(strain.eq.1) then read(10,*,err=13000) (e(i),i=1,6) write(15,'(''e_i = '',6f10.6)') (e(i),i=1,6) else if(abs(strain).eq.2) then read(10,*,err=13000) x2 x = sqrt(x2) write(15,'(''x^2 = '',f12.8)') x2 if(strain.eq.2) then e(1) = sqrt((one+x)/(one-x)) - one e(2) = sqrt((one-x)/(one+x)) - one else e(1) = x e(2) = -x e(3) = x2/(one-x2) end if else if(abs(strain).eq.21) then read(10,*,err=13000) x x2 = x*x write(15,'(''x = '',f12.8)') x if(strain.eq.21) then e(1) = sqrt((one+x)/(one-x)) - one e(2) = sqrt((one-x)/(one+x)) - one else e(1) = x e(2) = -x e(3) = x2/(one-x2) end if else if(abs(strain).eq.3) then read(10,*,err=13000) x2 write(15,'(''x^2 = '',f12.8)') x2 e(6) = sqrt(x2) if(strain.eq.3) then e(1) = sqrt(one+quarter*x2) - one e(2) = e(1) else e(3) = x2/(four-x2) end if else if(strain.eq.4) then read(10,*,err=13000) x write(15,'(''x = '',f12.8)') x e(1) = (one+x)**thirdm - one e(2) = e(1) e(3) = (one+x)**two3rd - one else if(strain.eq.5) then read(10,*,err=13000) x write(15,'(''x = '',f12.8)') x e(1) = (one+x)*((one+three*x)**thirdm) - one e(2) = e(1) e(3) = e(1) e(4) = two*x*((one+three*x)**thirdm) e(5) = e(4) e(6) = e(5) else if(strain.eq.6) then c c Strained hexagonal lattice. Normally the energy will c be independent of the sign of x, but well allow c negative x strains generated if x2 < 0 c read(10,*,err=13000) x2 if( then x2 = abs(x2) x = -sqrt(x2) else x = sqrt(x2) end if write(15,'(''x^2 = '',f12.8)') x2 e(4) = x e(3) = quarter*x*x else write(0,*) 'Unknown strain type' go to 13000 end if c c Construct the strain matrix from the e(i): c do i = 1,3 est(i,i) = one + e(i) end do est(2,3) = half*e(4) est(3,2) = est(2,3) est(1,3) = half*e(5) est(3,1) = est(1,3) est(1,2) = half*e(6) est(2,1) = est(1,2) c c We have reversed the strain indicies on alat and alats c (compare to the findmin version of setlat): c do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 sum = zero do k = 1,3 sum = sum + alat(j,k)*est(k,i) end do alats(j,i) = sum end do end do do j = 1,3 do i = 1,3 alat(i,j) = alats(i,j) end do end do end if c c======================================================================= c c Now that we have the new lattice vectors, apply the scale c field if we have latnum = 0 c if(latnum.eq.0) then do j = 1,3 do i = 1,3 alat(i,j) = alat(i,j)*scale(j) end do end do end if c c======================================================================= c c Calculate the volume: c vol = abs( $ alat(1,1)*(alat(2,2)*alat(3,3) - alat(3,2)*alat(2,3)) + $ alat(2,1)*(alat(3,2)*alat(1,3) - alat(1,2)*alat(3,3)) + $ alat(3,1)*(alat(1,2)*alat(2,3) - alat(2,2)*alat(1,3))) if( then write(0,*) 'Zero Volume' go to 10000 end if c c Standard return: c return c c If we get here, some kind of error has occured (probably c an EOF), and the calling program should be warned: c 10000 write(*,*) 'setlat: bad lattice' ierr = 1 return 11000 write(*,*) 'setlat: error in latnum input' ierr = 2 return 12000 write(*,*) 'setlat: error in lattice parameter input' ierr = 3 return 13000 write(*,*) 'setlat: error in strain input' ierr = 4 return end