program bandplt c c Given the band structure produced by the LAPW program in the c Binary QLMT file format, produces the output in a file which can c be read by plotting programs such as gnuplot to produce a band c structure plot c c Note that our definition of reciprocal lattice vectors is c without the 2 pi factor. c c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision kold(3),k(3) c c If you want to plot more than 1000 bands at a given k-point c you are going to have to redimension this. c dimension bande(2000),avec(3,3),bvec(3,3),vold(3),vnew(3) dimension kp_directions(20),ene_kp(20) character*25 infile,outfile,outfileg character*20 title real*8 knum c======================================================================= c parameter (zero = 0d0) parameter (shift = 0.2854d0) parameter (twopi = 6.28318530717958647693d0) c c======================================================================= c c Input and output file information: c open(9,file='') c read(9,*) ymin,dummy,ymax read(9,1050) ymin,dummy,ymax 1050 format(/////,3f10.5) open(10,file='') c100 write(*,'('' Name of input file?'')') read(10,1051,end=1000) title 1051 format(A20) read(10,*) structure c structure: (1=bcc, 2=fcc, 3=sc,...) read(10,'(a)',end=1000) infile open(unit=11,file=infile,status='unknown') c write(*,'('' Enter direct space primitive lattice vectors: '')') read(10,*) read(10,*) ((avec(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,3) c c Find reciprocal space vectors: c c First just get them orthogonal to the avec: c do j=1,3 j1=j+1 if( j1=j1-3 j2=j1+1 if( j2=j2-3 do i=1,3 i1=i+1 if( i1=i1-3 i2=i1+1 if( i2=i2-3 bvec(i,j)=avec(i1,j1)*avec(i2,j2)-avec(i2,j1)*avec(i1,j2) end do end do c c Compute the unit cell volume c vol=zero do i=1,3 vol=vol+avec(i,1)*bvec(i,1) end do c c Now get the vectors properly scaled. Note that c c Sum[ avec(i,j)*bvec(i,k), i = 1,3] = delta(j,k) c do i=1,3 do j=1,3 bvec(i,j)=bvec(i,j)/vol end do end do c write(*,1225) ((avec(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,3),vol, $ ((bvec(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,3) 1225 format(/' Primitive vectors of the direct lattice:'/ $ 3(/1X,3F12.6)//' Volume of the unit cell=',F18.8/ $ /' Primitive vectors of the reciprocal lattice:'/ $ 3(/1X,3F12.6)) c c write(*,1231) 1231 format(' Enter number of bands to be output, and maximum'/ $ ' eigenvalue to be printed, which is also the number that'/ $ ' will be printed if there are not enough bands:') c read(10,*) read(10,*) nbout,eigdum read(10,*) read(10,*)efermi write(*,*)efermi c c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c read the number of points in each k-point direction c write(*,*)' Enter the number of k-directions in the Brillouin zone ' read(10,*) read(10,*)n_dirkp if( stop 'Please increase the dimension of directions_kp(20) & in bandplot.f' else ksum=0. do i=1,n_dirkp c write(*,*)'Enter the number of k-point in the ',i,' direction' read(10,*)kp_tot ksum=ksum+kp_tot kp_directions(i)=ksum enddo endif write(*,*)'Number of kp-directions = ',n_dirkp write(*,*)'Finall k-point in each direction = ', & (kp_directions(i),i=1,n_dirkp) c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c write(*,'('' Name of output file? '')') c read(10,'(a)') outfile open(unit=21,file=outfile,status='unknown') read(10,'(a)') outfileg open(unit=31,file=outfileg,status='unknown') c c read the ymin and ymax of the band structure plot c read(10,*)ymin,ymax c c Read in the number of windows to be plotted c and the number of atoms in the QLMT file. Note that "0" is c an allowed value for natoms c read(11,*) nspins,nwind,nwsc,natoms write(6,145) nspins,nwind,nwsc,natoms 145 format(/1x,i5,' Spins',i5,' Windows',i5,' Semi-core windows'/ $ ' The system contains ',i5,' atoms') c if( stop 'Only Spin=1 allowed for now' c c Plot each window separately: c do 400 nw=1,nwind c c How many points in this window? (Plus extraneous stuff) c read(11,*) npts c read(11,*) npts,nat1,zfill,tkb c write(*,165) npts,nw 165 format(//1x,i5,' points in window number ',i5/) c if( go to 400 c c We'll plot the information on a linear graph. The y coordinates c will be the band energies. The x coordinate will be the sum of c the distances between the neighboring points in k space. This c means that the first point has distance zero. It also means c that we'll have to handle the first point separately. c The information is read in by a subroutine, and the c band energies are stored in BANDE. KNUM is the number of points c found in this band at this K. c dis=zero call rdband(kold,knum,bande,natoms,nbout,eigdum) c c Convert to Cartesian coordinates: c do l=1,3 vold(l)=zero do j=1,3 vold(l)=vold(l)+kold(j)*bvec(l,j) end do end do c c$$$ WRITE(6,175) KNUM,KOLD,VOLD,DIS,(BANDE(I),I=1,KNUM) c$$$175 FORMAT(/1X,I5,' Points at K = (',3F10.4,' ) = (' c$$$ 1 3F10.4,')'/1X,7F10.5/ c$$$ 2 (10X,6F10.5)) c c Write NBOUT eigenvalues, including dummy values, if any: c c do ii=1,nbout-1 c do jj=1,nbout-ii c if(bande(jj+1).lt.bande(jj)) then c temp=bande(jj) c bande(jj)=bande(jj+1) c bande(jj+1)=temp c end if c end do c end do c Modified by lwn 01/09 to adjust TB x-axis to LAPW x-axis for plot c write(21,185) dis,(bande(i)-efermi,i=1,nbout) c shift efermi by a known constant write(21,185) dis,(bande(i),i=1,nbout) c write(21,185) dis*1.7071/0.224,(bande(i)-efermi,i=1,nbout) 185 format(120f13.6) write(*,*) 'Gamma point at = ',0.0 c do i=2,npts call rdband(k,knum,bande,natoms,nbout,eigdum) c c Convert to Cartesian: c do j=1,3 vnew(j)=0d0 do l=1,3 vnew(j)=vnew(j)+k(l)*bvec(j,l) end do end do c c Find distance between this point and the last and c add it to DIS: c dsum=zero do j=1,3 dsum=dsum+(vnew(j)-vold(j))**2 end do dis=dis+sqrt(dsum) c do ii=1,nbout-1 c do jj=1,nbout-ii c if(bande(jj+1).lt.bande(jj)) then c temp=bande(jj) c bande(jj)=bande(jj+1) c bande(jj+1)=temp c end if c end do c end do c Modified by lwn 01/09 to adjust TB x-axis to LAPW x-axis for plot c write(21,185) dis,(bande(l)-efermi,l=1,nbout) write(21,185) dis,(bande(l),l=1,nbout) c write(21,185) dis*1.7071/0.224,(bande(l)-efermi,l=1,nbout) do ikkk=1,n_dirkp if(kp_directions(ikkk).eq.i)then ene_kp(ikkk)=dis write(*,*)i,' High symmetry points at = ',ene_kp(ikkk) endif enddo c c Update the "last" vector: c do j=1,3 vold(j)=vnew(j) kold(j)=k(j) end do end do 400 continue 1000 continue c ------------------------ Make the gnuplot file --------------------- c write(31,*)'set title "Band structure of ',title,'"' c write(31,*)' set ylabel "Energy (Ry)" ' c c 176 format(A10,I6,A6,F7.3,A13,F7.3,A20) c if(structure.eq.2) then c ene_kp(5)=ene_kp(4)+(ene_kp(5)-ene_kp(4))*3./4. c end if c if( then do ii=1,n_dirkp write(31,176)'set arrow', ii,' from ',ene_kp(ii), $ ', graph 0 to ',ene_kp(ii),', graph 1 nohead ' enddo c else c do ii=1,n_dirkp-1 c write(31,176)'set arrow', ii,' from ',ene_kp(ii) , c $ ', graph 0 to ',ene_kp(ii),', graph 1 nohead ' c enddo c ii=n_dirkp-1 c write(31,176)'set arrow', ii+1,' from ',(ene_kp(ii+1)- c $ ene_kp(ii))*6.*sqrt(2.)/(sqrt(40.)+6.*sqrt(2.))+ene_kp(ii), c $ ', graph 0 to ',(ene_kp(ii+1)-ene_kp(ii))*6.*sqrt(2.)/( c $ sqrt(40.)+6.*sqrt(2.))+ene_kp(ii),', graph 1 nohead ' c write(31,176)'set arrow', ii+2,' from ',ene_kp(ii+1) , c $ ', graph 0 to ',ene_kp(ii+1),', graph 1 nohead ' c write(31,176)'set arrow', ii+1,' from ',(ene_kp(ii+1)- c $ ene_kp(ii))*73./101.+ene_kp(ii), c $ ', graph 0 to ',(ene_kp(ii+1)-ene_kp(ii))*73./ c $ 101.+ene_kp(ii),', graph 1 nohead ' c write(31,176)'set arrow', ii+2,' from ',ene_kp(ii+1) , c $ ', graph 0 to ',ene_kp(ii+1),', graph 1 nohead ' c end if write(31,188)'set encoding iso_8859_1' c c bcc -------------------------------------------- if(structure.eq.1)then c 188 format(A10,A20,A4,1X,F7.3,A5,1X,F7.3,A15,1X,F7.3,A5,1X,F7.3, c $ A5,1X,F7.3,a5,1X,f7.3,a5,1X,f7.3,a3) 188 format(A10,A20,14(A15,1X,F7.3),A3) write(31,188)'set xtics','("{/Symbol G}" 0.,', $'"{/Symbol D}"',ene_kp(1)/2., $',"H"',ene_kp(1), $',"G"',ene_kp(1)+(ene_kp(2)-ene_kp(1))/2., $',"N"', ene_kp(2), $',"{/Symbol S}"',ene_kp(2)+(ene_kp(3)-ene_kp(2))/2., $',"{/Symbol G}"',ene_kp(3), $',"{/Symbol L}"',ene_kp(3)+(ene_kp(4)-ene_kp(3))/2., $',"P"', ene_kp(4), $',"D"',ene_kp(4)+(ene_kp(5)-ene_kp(4))/2., $',"N"',ene_kp(5), $',"D"',ene_kp(4)+(ene_kp(6)-ene_kp(5))/2., $',"P"', ene_kp(6), $',"F"',ene_kp(6)+(ene_kp(7)-ene_kp(6))/2., $',"H"',ene_kp(7), $')' endif c fcc -------------------------------------------- if(structure.eq.2)then c 189 format(A10,A20,A4,1X,F7.3,A5,1X,F7.3,A5,1X,F7.3, c $A20,1X,F7.3,A5,1X,F7.3,a3) 189 format(A10,A20,14(A15,1X,F7.3),A3) write(31,189)'set xtics','("{/Symbol G}" 0.,', $'"{/Symbol D}"',(ene_kp(1)/2.), $',"X"',ene_kp(1), $',"Z"',(ene_kp(1)+(ene_kp(2)-ene_kp(1))/2.), $',"W"', ene_kp(2), $',"Q"',(ene_kp(2)+(ene_kp(3)-ene_kp(2))/2.), $',"L"', ene_kp(3), $',"{/Symbol L}"',(ene_kp(3)+(ene_kp(4)-ene_kp(3))/2.), $',"{/Symbol G}"',ene_kp(4), $',"{/Symbol S}"',(ene_kp(4)+(ene_kp(5)-ene_kp(4))/2.), c $',"K"',ene_kp(4)+(ene_kp(5)-ene_kp(4))*6.*sqrt(2.)/ c $ (8.+6.*sqrt(2.)), c $',"X"', ene_kp(5), c $',"K"', ene_kp(4)+(ene_kp(5)-ene_kp(4))*3./4., $',"K"', ene_kp(5), $')' endif c c sc -------------------------------------------- if(structure.eq.3)then c 187 format(A10,A20,A4,1X,F7.3,A5,1X,F7.3,A15,1X,F7.3,A5,1X,F7.3, c $ A5,1X,F7.3,a5,1X,f7.3,a5,1X,f7.3,a3) 187 format(A10,A20,14(A15,1X,F7.3),A3) write(31,187)'set xtics','("{/Symbol G}" 0.,', $'"{/Symbol D}"',ene_kp(1)/2., $',"X"',ene_kp(1), $',"Z"',ene_kp(1)+(ene_kp(2)-ene_kp(1))/2., $',"M"', ene_kp(2), $',"{/Symbol S}"',ene_kp(2)+(ene_kp(3)-ene_kp(2))/2., $',"{/Symbol G}"',ene_kp(3), $',"{/Symbol L}"',ene_kp(3)+(ene_kp(4)-ene_kp(3))/2., $',"R"', ene_kp(4), $',"S"',ene_kp(4)+(ene_kp(5)-ene_kp(4))/2., $',"X"', ene_kp(5), $',"S"',ene_kp(5)+(ene_kp(6)-ene_kp(5))/2., $',"R"', ene_kp(6), $',"T"',ene_kp(6)+(ene_kp(7)-ene_kp(6))/2., $',"M"', ene_kp(7), $')' endif c c write(31,*)'efermi =',efermi-efermi write(31,*)'efermi =',efermi 177 format(A10,I6,A6,F5.3,A3,F10.5,A4,F7.3,A3,F10.5,A9) write(31,177)'set arrow ', n_dirkp+1 ,' from ',0.0,',' & ,efermi, ' to ', ene_kp(5),',',efermi,' nohead' c & ,efermi, ' to ', ene_kp(n_dirkp),',',efermi ,' nohead' c write(31,*)'set yrange [',ymin,':',ymax,']' write(31,*)'set xrange [ 0.0 :',ene_kp(5),']' c write(31,*)'set term postscript eps enhanced solid' write(31,*)'set output "band.eps" ' c write(31,*)'replot' write(31,"(a)",advance="NO") ' plot "banddata" u 1:2 t "" w l, ' do ib = 3, nbout ib1 = mod(ib,10) ib2 = int((ib-ib1)/10) if(ib2.eq.0) then write(31,"(a)",advance="NO") $ ' "banddata" u 1:'//char(48+ib1)//' t "" w l, ' else write(31,"(a)",advance="NO") $ ' "banddata" u 1:'//char(48+ib2)//char(48+ib1)//' t "" w l, ' endif end do ib1 = mod(nbout+1,10) ib2 = int((nbout+1-ib1)/10) write(31,"(a)",advance="NO") $ ' "banddata" u 1:'//char(48+ib2)//char(48+ib1)//' t "" w l ' write(31,*)'set output ' c write(31,*)'set term x11 ' c c ------------------------ gnuplot file --------------------- end c_______________________________________________________________________ c subroutine rdband(k,knum,bande,natoms,nbout,eigdum) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension bande(*) real*8 k(3),dummy(4),knum c c Reads the information about one K point in a window from c the binary QLMT file in file descriptor 11 c c K is the point in momentum space in reciprocal lattice coordinates. c KNUM is the number of energy bands found in this window at this c point. Everything else is a dummy variable c read(11,*) k,wt0,knum,wght ctemp c write(*,*) k,knum cend temp c c Now read the energies for this band. There is a lot of information c which is not relevant to this plot, and this information is read c into dummy: c do i=1,int(knum) read(11,*) bande(i) ctemp cend temp c c There is one line of unneeded information per "atom". c Note that natoms=0 skips this entirely. c do j = 1,natoms read(11,*) dummy end do end do do ii=1,int(knum)-1 do jj=1,int(knum)-ii if(bande(jj+1).lt.bande(jj)) then temp=bande(jj) bande(jj)=bande(jj+1) bande(jj+1)=temp end if end do end do c c If there are not nbout eigenstates, fill in a dummy value: c if( then do i=int(knum)+1,nbout bande(i)=eigdum end do end if c c If an eigenvalue is > eigdum, set it equal to eigdum: c do i = 1,nbout bande(i) = min (bande(i),eigdum) end do return end