Last Modified 17 December 1999
The ``Static'' Tight-Binding Program: Example XIV
Using skingen
A Perl Script
Note: This example uses a Perl script and other auxillary
files. For more information about obtaining and installing these
files, see the Scripts and Auxillary
Programs page.
skingen is a script written in Perl, a high-level scripting
language. skingen is designed to:
- Automate the construction of the SKIN (Slater-Koster
INput) file for the static program, and
- ease the selection of space-group and k-point meshes for certain common structures.
One of the most difficult problems in setting up a calculation
using the static program is the construction of the main
input file, SKIN. The format of this file is the
``culmination'' of years of development of the static
program. The user may not be aware of some options available
through the SKIN file, and some options may be so obscure
as to be completely useless to everyone except the code developer.
skingen was developed to get around these problems. It
provides a SKIN file for most common calculations. This
file can then be used as a template which can then be modified to
include some of the more obscure options.
skingen divides a problem into several parts, prompting
you to
- Choose the type calculation, i.e., the mode.
- Determine the ultimate accuracy of the calculation, using Fermi smearing with or without Gillan's
- Choose the Tight-binding parametrization
- Set up the initial structure, including:
- Labels
- Lattice Type
- Lattice parameters
- Strain Type
- Search parameters
- Number of atoms
- Atomic types and positions
- Space group and k-point mesh
- Set up new lattice parameters and positions for the next
structure, allowing for easy entry of default values.
Note that:
- in its current form skingen only allows one
lattice/strain type and one k-point mesh per SKIN file.
You can have as many different sets of lattice parameters and atomic
positions as you want, so long as you don't change the lattice type
or the k-point mesh.
- skingen designates some values as ``default.''
If you see a prompt which includes a default value, pressing the
<Enter> key will enter that value into the SKIN file.
- at many prompts skingen provides context-sensitive
help. Enter ``h'' to access this help.
- I am not an expert Perl programmer, nor have I anticipated all
possible useful features in skingen. Suggestions for
improvements to this code will be welcome, especially if they
include the source code modifications. Send suggestions to
To illustrate the workings of skingen, we rework some of
the other examples in this
The first half of Example I, where we look at the
total energy of fcc Palladium.
The energy of a small cubic
cluster of copper atoms, as found in Example XI.
Look at other examples.
Get other parameters from the Tight-binding periodic
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