C--------------------------------------- C This program converts the LAPW qlmt file, C to run the dosapwn.f program C------------------------------------------ program convert implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) open(1,file='QLMT') open(2,file='dosapw.eng') read(1,*) NB read(1,*) C 100 continue read(1,*,end=200) x,x,x,x,nband NB=7 if (nband .lt. NB) then PRINT*, 'YOU HAVE LESS THAN ',NB,' BANDS IN YOUR C FILE' endif do nn=1,nband read(1,*) eign read(1,*) s1,p1,d1,d11 c read(1,*) s2,p2,d2,d22 c read(1,*) s3,p3,d3,d33 c read(1,*) s4,p4,d4,d44 c read(1,*) s5,p5,d5,d55 if (nn .le. NB) then write(2,'(5F8.5)')eign,s1,p1,d1,d11 c write(2,'(6F8.5)')eign,s2,p2,d2,d22,0.0 c write(2,'(6F8.5)')eign,s3,p3,d3,d33,0.0 c write(2,'(6F8.5)')eign,s4,p4,d4,d44,0.0 c write(2,'(6F8.5)')eign,s5,p5,d5,d55,0.0 endif enddo go to 100 200 continue end