W-bcc 1 QLMT ! Input file PRIMITIVE VECTORS OF THE DIRECT LATTICE -0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 -0.5 Number of bands to be ploted, maximum eigenvalue 9 100 Fermi energy (Ry) 0.25754 Enter the number of k-directions in the Brillouin zone 7 ! k-directions in the Brillouin zone 80 !number of k-point in the 1 direction 40 !number of k-point in the 2 direction 80 !number of k-point in the 3 direction 80 !number of k-point in the 4 direction 80 !number of k-point in the 5 direction 80 !number of k-point in the 5 direction 80 !number of k-point in the 5 direction banddata ! Output file -donot change the title bandplot.gnu ! Output gnuplot file