Last Modified 17 December 1999
The calculations shown on this page determine the fully relaxed elastic constant C44. I've also written a page which shows how to calculate the upper bound of C44. This page also explains the theory.
The theory for determining the fully relaxed elastic constant C44 of an hcp lattice is worked out as part of the upper bound calculation. What we need to know from the theory is that
e4 = x ; e3 = + ¼ x2 ; e1,2,5,6 = 0 . (1)
This is a volume conserving strain which has the nice property that E(-x) = E(x) for an hcp lattice. Therefore the energy/strain relationship is
E(x) = E0 + ½ V0 C44 x2 + O[x4] (2)
a1 | = ( | ½ a , | - ½ 3½ a , | - ¼ 3½ x a ) | |
a2 | = ( | ½ a , | ½ 3½ a , | ¼ 3½ x a ) | . (3) |
a3 | = ( | 0 , | ½ x c , | ( 1 + ¼ x2 ) c ) |
With symmetry turns out to be C2/m (#12 in the International Crystallography tables), a centered monoclinic lattice with the atoms sitting on the 4m sites. The basis vectors can be written in the form
B1 | = | (1/3 - u) a1 + (2/3 + u) a2 + (1/4 + v) a3 | |
B2 | = | (2/3 + u) a1 + (1/3 - u) a2 + (3/4 - v) a3 | , (4) |
Just as in the case of the upper bound calculation, we need
The algorithm we'll use here is similar to what we did in the equation of state and C11-C12
calculations: at a given strain, we make a guess at the internal
parameters (u,v), calculate E at several points
near this guess, and use these values to determine a guess at the
equilibrium configuration. Unlike the previous examples, we now
have two variables. So, assuming that we are close to the minimum
structure, which is probably near
(u,v) = (1/3,/14), we fit our data to a
quadratic polynomial:
The script which does the fitting is called work/c44r/minlat . It requires input of
The output is
Let's look at an example. Before starting, edit your copy of work/c44r/minlat so that the variable $static, defined here as
static=/usr/local/mehl/skfits/p6/static.105/staticpoints to the location of your static executable.
We'll use the TB equilibrium lattice of
First let's see if we get the correct structure at zero strain.
$ ./minlat 220.088 1.6132603 0.0000 0.01 0.3333333333333333333 0.25 1 0.333333 0.250000 220.088000 .128472502 -.009018141 2 0.343333 0.250000 220.088000 .127977634 -.008038481 3 0.336424 0.259511 220.088000 .129657127 -.006448887 4 0.325243 0.255878 220.088000 .128592230 -.007510231 5 0.325243 0.244122 220.088000 .128592230 -.007510231 6 0.336424 0.240489 220.088000 .129657127 -.006448887 220.088 1.6132603 0.0000 0.010000000000000 0.333058297294762 0.250000000000000 -0.009018843 [Note: I may have overdone the precision. -- mjm]
The first six lines are the actual energies calculated by the static code. The last line is the prediction. If one of the first second through sixth energies is lower in energy than the predicted minimum then you have not bracketed the minimum correctly, and should restart the calculation.
Note that the prediction is off from our expectations, and is, in fact, larger than the initial energy. In this case it means that we have made h too large. Try again:
$ ./minlat 220.088 1.6132603 0.0000 0.001 0.3333333333333333333 0.25 1 0.333333 0.250000 220.088000 .128472502 -.009018141 2 0.334333 0.250000 220.088000 .128467360 -.009008840 3 0.333642 0.250951 220.088000 .128484739 -.008993074 4 0.332524 0.250588 220.088000 .128473968 -.009002893 5 0.332524 0.249412 220.088000 .128473968 -.009002893 6 0.333642 0.249049 220.088000 .128484739 -.008993074 220.088 1.6132603 0.0000 0.001000000000000 0.333330707514992 0.250000000000000 -0.009018141
This is somewhat better.
You'll notice that this calculation leaves a file work/c44r/skeng.0.0000. Runs for other strains will leave a similar set of calculations. For example, at the strain x2 = 0.0010 we have the file work/c44r/skeng.0.0010:
1 0.333333 0.250000 220.088000 .128082626 -.008489157 2 0.334333 0.250000 220.088000 .128079535 -.008473758 3 0.333642 0.250951 220.088000 .128095218 -.008459921 4 0.332524 0.250588 220.088000 .128084009 -.008479995 5 0.332524 0.249412 220.088000 .128081551 -.008477608 6 0.333642 0.249049 220.088000 .128095701 -.008464184 1 0.332999 0.250004 220.088000 .128081472 -.008490171 2 0.333999 0.250004 220.088000 .128081651 -.008480962 3 0.333308 0.250955 220.088000 .128095853 -.008463857 4 0.332190 0.250592 220.088000 .128080649 -.008476702 5 0.332190 0.249416 220.088000 .128077226 -.008473098 6 0.333308 0.249053 220.088000 .128094797 -.008466077 1 0.332998 0.250004 220.088000 .128081463 -.008490171 < Lowest energy 2 0.333998 0.250004 220.088000 .128081659 -.008480993 3 0.333307 0.250955 220.088000 .128095858 -.008463864 4 0.332189 0.250592 220.088000 .128080631 -.008476676 5 0.332189 0.249416 220.088000 .128077199 -.008473075 6 0.333307 0.249053 220.088000 .128094785 -.008466089
From this output you should be able to retrace my route and find that the lowest energy for this strain is -.008490171 Ry.
To get a good estimate of C44 we need to look at several strains, though not necessarily as many as we did in the upper bound calculation. I'll list all of the results here:
$ ls skeng.* -rw-r----- 1 mehl users 756 Jun 23 15:31 skeng.0.0000 -rw-r----- 1 mehl users 1134 Jun 23 15:44 skeng.0.0010 -rw-r----- 1 mehl users 1134 Jun 23 15:53 skeng.0.0020 -rw-r----- 1 mehl users 1134 Jun 23 16:05 skeng.0.0030 -rw-r----- 1 mehl users 1134 Jun 23 16:15 skeng.0.0040 -rw-r----- 1 mehl users 1134 Jun 23 16:26 skeng.0.0050
We now need a way to extract the minimum energy from each these files and put the results in a file which will give us the minimum energy at each strain. This script is work/c44r/findmin , a variant of other findmin scripts in this Example. Note that, as usual, findmin depends on the sort routine. As mentioned in the comments, the GNU version of this routine has trouble when we mix positive and negative numbers. This won't be a problem in this example, but look out in other cases.
findmin produces the file work/c44r/c44.eng, which looks like this:
0.0000 0.333333 0.250000 220.088000 .128472502 -.009018141 0.0010 0.332998 0.250004 220.088000 .128081463 -.008490171 0.0020 0.332629 0.250020 220.088000 .127697318 -.007960869 0.0030 0.332226 0.250046 220.088000 .127318114 -.007433716 0.0040 0.331794 0.250082 220.088000 .126941539 -.006910690 0.0050 0.331338 0.250126 220.088000 .126566240 -.006392912
The fitting process is nearly identical to the upper bound calculation. Here we use the gnuplot script work/c44r/c44fit.gnu to find
$ gnuplot c44fit.gnu Using eo = -0.009018141 vo = 220.088 Edit c44fit.gnu to change Press enter to continue Fitting information deleted, see work/c44r/fit.log C_{44} = 70.3060841127926 GPa Press enter to quit (script work/c44r/c44.gnu prepared)
We see that the elastic constant here is slightly larger than the elastic constant in the upper bound calculation. This is a result of our not fitting quite the same number of points. It is instructive to compare the two results. This plot was produced by the script work/c44r/c44comp.gnu:
The relaxed data is just below the upper bound calculation, as it should be. Clearly, though, there is very little relaxation in this lattice, and we can safely say that
C44 = 70.3 GPa
for our hcp Titanium parameters.
Look at the Upper Bound calculation and the theory for calculation of C44 in an hcp lattice.
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