static.105: There have been some modifications from version 1.00, the official Alpha release version. In particular (1) Information that should logically be included in the parameter files, including cutoffs, basis set sizes, and form of the overlap parameters are included in the header of the parameter file. Thus the form of the SKIN file has been simplified. (2) The parallel and scalar versions of the code have been merged. This was done by (a) Installing dummy MPI routines to be used on scalar machines, and (b) Running a slightly different algorithm when using only one processor. The choice of algorithm is made at runtime. We didn't used a compiler-flag option because we want this program to run on as many machines as possible, and preprocessors are notoriously machine specific. -- mjm 6 April 1998 ======================================================================== static.106: (1) Eliminated "displ" common block, which had hung on in search2.f, even though it was superseded by the common block disply. (2) Convert "jsover" to a logical variable. Now: jsover = .true. -> Non-orthogonal calculation jsover = .false. -> Orthogonal calculation (3) "P2" parameter file created to handle the parameters which are associated with the calculation of eigenvectors, and which are only defined in static.f, bande.f, and diag.f (4) There were some difficulties in using the Intel/Linux/Absoft Fortran code for large unit cells. In order to conserve the disk space required by the executable we needed to eliminate the "-s" option (static variables) from the compilation string. When we did that, however, the program bombed for large executable sizes unless we "saved" certain arrays in bande.f and diag.f. This probably has something to do with the size of the stack. To save the situation, we modified Makefile.absoft to compile bande.f and diag.f with the -s option, and all other subroutines without this option. This seems to alleviate the problem To save the situation, we modified Makefile.absoft to compile bande.f and diag.f with the -s option, and all other subroutines without this option. This seems to alleviate the problem. -- mjm 6 July 1998 ======================================================================== static.110: (1) Included support for Gillan's T->0 extrapolation of Fermi Temperature Broadening. Reference M.J. Gillan, J. Phys. Condes. Matter 1, 689-711 (1989). Gillan assumes his correction has a T**3 behavior. However, Grotheer and Fahnle (PRB 58, 13459-64 (1998)) argue convincingly that the correction actually goes as T**4, and I have been able to show this is true exactly if we don't have to worry about (a) self-consistency, and (b) a nearby van Hove singularity (i.e., we can do a Taylor expansion of the density of states in a region of order T around the Fermi level). See Phys. Rev. B 61, 1654-7 (2000) for more details. As part of this rewrite, the logical variable lpress, lqlmt, lqapw, etc. have been eliminated. We'll pass this information into bande.f via the "mode" parameter. Also, we eliminated the common block /fermcom/. Now the Fermi level, energy and pressure are passed through the call to bande.f. The variables for energy and pressure have been renamed in bande.f, as at times they may be (extrapolated energy, energy) or (extrapolated energy, extrapolate pressure). Note: (2) here has been held in abeyance, awaiting a decision on whether or not this form is necessary. (2) Added a new form for the on-site interactions, 00002 and 00003. On-site terms are now expressed as pair-like sums. Thus h_s(i) = e_s(i) + Sum_neighbors (a^2/R + b + c R + d R^2) exp(-e^2 R) where R is the distance between atom i and the current neighbor and a,b,c,d,e can be parametrized by interaction type, allowing a better description of the neighborhood by atom type. Note that these on-site terms form effective angular-momentum dependent pair potentials. This is most easily seen in the orthogonal case. Version 00002 uses the old style overlap parameters (same as 00000) and version 00003 uses the new style overlap parameters (same as 00001). -- mjm 26 Jan 1999 (3) Mode 5 is now on. It is identical to mode 6 except that the QLMT dump is unformatted, to save space and to increase the accuracy of the k-point and eigenvalue listings. -- mjm 11 Feb 1999 (4) Revised the "phonon" mode in input1.f. Now we can shift any individual atom away from its input position, using either Cartesian or lattice coordinates. This is useful if we want to move only a few atoms away from equilibrium. -- mjm 3 Mar 1999 ======================================================================== static.111: (1) Break up setup.f into its logical pieces: (a) setpar.f, which sets the on-site parameters for each atom and the Slater-Koster and optional overlap matrix elements for each pair; and (b) setham.f, which takes the output of setpar.f and the k-point information and then, along with rotate.f, constructs the Hamiltonian and optional overlap matrix (S) at each k-point. Note that search2.f/setpar.f are possible candidates for parallelization, independent of the parallelization that takes place in the k-point loop. -- mjm 30 Apr 1999 (2) Changed the "QLMT" printing process in diag.f so that we can have atoms with basis smaller than MBAS and still get the proper angular momentum decomposition into s, p, and d orbitals. -- mjm 23 Jul 1999 (3) Break setvol.f into its logical pieces, setparv.f and sethamv.f, which are the analogs of setpar.f and setham.f. Since I rewrote setparv.f and sethamv.f using "implicit none," modify the parameter files P[1-3] to explicitly declare all parameters integers. -- mjm 27 Jul 1999 (4) For some reason input1.f had a P3 dependency. This isn't necessary, so it was removed from input1.f and the makefile. -- mjm 27 Jul 1999 (5) In "Magnetic" mode (jspins=2), modify bande.f to calculate the spin up and spin down populations, and so, by extension, the magnetization of the system. This is printed in SKOUT. -- mjm 30 Jul 1999 (6) Added changes to the diagnostic printing capabilities in the bande.f/diag.f/set*.f package so that it will no longer create "fort15" files in multi-processor mode. All printing is now done only on the master processor. -- mjm 4 Aug 1999 (7) Added a disclaimer to the LAPACK/BLAS compilation in lapack.f, telling users that this is not an NRL package and providing contact/reference information for these codes. -- mjm 5 Aug 1999 (8) Corrected an error in the "package" option of makefile.absoft, where the file mpifake.f was linked to itself in ALLSOURCE.tar, producing an unreadable subroutine. This did not affect the other versions of the makefile. -- mjm 14 Oct 1999 ======================================================================== static.120: (1) If the tight-binding parameters are magnetic (see input.f), then allow for "spin flips." That is, and the input for the atomic positions is scanned to see if this particular atom is pointing "up" or "down." By default, the on-site part of spin 1 is associated with up, and spin 2's on-sites are associated with spin down. If an atom is pointed "up", or if "spinflip" is set to .false., then the default situation holds. If, however, an atom is supposed to be "flipped," then the flipped atom uses the spin 2 on-sites for "up" and spin 1 for "down." In this way we can generate an anti-ferromagnetic system. See "input1.f" for a the changes in the SKIN file input. (2) To facilitate this, move the variable "jspins" out of the common block /lia/ and communicate its value through calling statements. The means we have to change static.f, input.f, kptin.f, and input1.f. Note that the change to kptin.f just means we entirely eliminate the reference to jspins from this subroutine. (3) Change (1) so that the density for the first set of on-sites uses the density parameter from the first set of on-site energies for all of the atoms, even the flipped ones. Hopefully this will make for better energetics in the anti-ferromagnetic case. ( 12 Jan 00) Mike Mehl 20 Dec 1999 (5) Let A-A, B-B, C-C, etc. interactions have Harrison's canonical sign. i.e.: H S ss sigma - + sp sigma + - pp sigma + - pp pi - + sd sigma - + pd sigma - + pd pi + - dd sigma - + dd pi + - dd delta Arbitrary (Harrison has zero) Mike Mehl 7 March 2000 ======================================================================== static.121: When running static, if a file named TWEAKS exists in the same directory as SKIN, then this file is examined for certain keywords, as outlined in the subroutine tweaks.f. These keywords set certain output options, such as (1) printing out values of the on-site, hopping, and overlap matrix elements; (2) printing out the Hamiltonian and Overlap matrices at certain k-points. -- mjm 7 August 2000 ======================================================================== static.122: In bande, iberr returns a non-zero value if something has gone wrong in the bande calculation. iesp checks the error conditions assigned by setpar. -- mjm 10 Aug 2000 (1) Fixed a non-so-minor bug in static.f involving the TWEAKS file. The old version would not run in multiprocessor mode. This was actually fixed in 1.30, and back filled to this retro version. (2) Since MPI looks to be here to stay, all of those "cMPI/cend MPI" comments have been removed. Exception: There are some lines labeled "c MPI notes/c end MPI notes", if I thought there was something important that applied only to the MPI version. Otherwise, things that were now set off by the "cMPI" construct are now properly indented. (3) When calculating perturbations on the eigenvalues, e.g., the pressure, derivatives of the eigenvalues have to be stored. In older versions of the code these, and the eigenvalues, were then transferred to the master processor in order to find the Fermi level, the total energy, and whatever derivatives we wanted. While these calculations were taking place the other processors were idle. While this isn't bad for small jobs, it is a major drawback for large systems. Thus here we rewrite bande.f and fermi.f to keep eigenvalues and derivatives on the originating processors and to only transfer the minimum data necessary back to the original processor. -- mjm 19 October 2000 ======================================================================== static.123: Updated "tweaks" to provide more information on how the program is progressing through the k-point list. -- mjm 28 August 2001 Merge g77 (with spin directions) and Absoft (with tweaks) versions Add a new mode (10) which prints out orbital-by-orbital decomposition of the wave function in the QLMT file. NOTE**NOTE**NOTE**NOTE**NOTE**NOTE**NOTE**NOTE**NOTE**NOTE**NOTE This necessitates a small change in the format of the line in static which reads the mode. Previously it was: read(10,10) mode 10 format(5x,i1) We change it to read(10,'(5x,i)') mode In Absoft and g77, this returns "mode=10" as 10, "mode= 1" or "mode=1" as 1, etc. This may vary in other compilers. -- mjm 1 November 2001 Added the tweak "PRINT_DIMENSIONS" which prints all of the dimensions parameters it finds in the include files. Note that this does not require any further communication to the outside world, so there is no "lp_dim" variable set. -- mjm 30 Apr 2002 Add /fazon/ common block, to make sure that the nearly ready for depreciation variables posq are propogated to all nodes -- mjm 13 May 2002 ======================================================================== static.124: Correctly parse the "Mode=" on the first line of the SKIN file. This is accomplished via a new "modeparse" subroutine, and fixes problems caused by the (5x,i) format above. -- mjm 14 Aug 2002 Change bande and its associated files to only allocate eigenvalue arrays for the number of k-points which will be used on one processor, rather than dimensioning for all k-points on each processor. Note that this will require recompiling the code whenever we DECREASE the number of processors in the calculation. The relevant parameter is "minproc", which is dimensioned in P3. Note that static.f will check to see if minproc is consistent with the number of processors in the code, and abort if the dimension needs to be fixed. This involves a minor change in the static.f routine, major changes in bande.f, and a change in the calling sequence in fermi.f. -- mjm 15 Aug 2002 ======================================================================== static.125: Production Release Add support for the Intel Linux Fortran compiler (, ifc. Note that it produces an extreme number of warnings, but does run. When lpress is true, if setparv fails it puts its error code into the variable iespv. bande detects this, sets its own error code, and returns. The check for non-zero iepsv was done whether or not lpress was true or not. This can cause problems for compilers which actually leave uninitialized variables uninitialized. We now only check iespv if setparv was actually called. -- mjm 21 Aug 2002 Split the DLAMCH and DLAMC[1-5] routines out of the lapack.f subroutine, so that they can be compiled WITHOUT optimization. This helps the ifc compiler produce correct code, but in general it is a Good Thing. See the file dlamch.f for details. This involves changes to all the makefiles that use our copy of lapack.f, but does not affect anyone using a precompiled BLAS/LAPACK library. Absoft and g77 versions can now link to Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (ATLAS) libraries ( Edit the "NLIBS=" line of the Makefile to point to the appropriate directory. The Intel compiler has trouble finding certain routines in the libraries. -- mjm 22 Aug 2002 ========================================================================